A gathering place for readers, writers, and other advocates for a more just world

The photograph on the sidebar represents some of the books that have been significant for making changes in my life. They include (1) C. S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy (Out of the Silent Planet; Perelanda; and that Hideous Strength) which sparked my life-long interest in science fiction; (2) C.J. Martindale’s Beyond the Shadowlands, which helped me understand heaven as a place where I would like my beloved to call home since he left this earth; (3) one of Taylor Caldwell’s novels (Captains and the Kings)–she has been a favorite for years because she embeds political & spiritual meaning in most of her great stories; (4) Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird because this book on writing is helping me learn to write from the heart; (5) Leadership and the New Science by Margaret Wheatley because of her wonderful explanation of why leaders need to embrace the chaos of diverse ideas to allow for the emergence of systemic improvement; and finally, The Bible, which doesn’t need explaining.

Have any of these same books and authors been significant in your life. Why?

Comments on: "Why I Chose These Books for my Sidebar Image" (1)

  1. Hi Joyce,
    I am here via your comment at my Tree Knol at Google’s page. Thanks again for the lovely and informative and encouraging comment at my place,
    Oh! yes, This is yet another wonderful place to roam around LOL. I am still not joking, very informative place indeed, in this small write-up about the fav, books, I could very well related to few of them you quotes but my most fav is Bible only, In short all these writers drew energy from Bible, It’s no doubt a universal fact.
    Keep writing my dear co-author and new friend at web pages.
    Keep inform


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